
I dressed in my favorite red dress with the decorative corset and side-gathered skirt that displayed the new boots that laced up to my knees. A night at the tavern wrapping fools around my finger would convince me to choose to be Master of the house, and stop swooning over Jack.

The confidant woman in the mirror smiled at me and I gave her a chin salute as I pinned on the outrageous hat with the feathers on it to finish the outfit.

My red-brown mare was hitched to my cariole and ready for me at the door. I stepped in and took the reins from my groom. The ride to town was pleasant in the cooling late-summer evening. I thought of the strutting young men that I would play with like a well-fed cat, and put the tall man I had met today out of my mind. The idea that I would turn into a pile of blushing jello just because the man cut a dashing figure and mesmerising eyes, HA! Not for me, no thank you. I will be captain of my own ship, not half of someone else’s crew.

I pulled up to the tavern and stepped out of my carriage to hand the reins to the silver haired groom. Another horse’s hooves sounded behind me, and I heard a voice that simultaneously excited and infuriated me.

“Hey-ip” he called to his black horses. “Guinevere! Good evening!”

“Good Evening, Jack” I said as coolly as I could.

“Let me dine with you, I wanted to ask you about the buying and selling hereabouts.”

I stiffened and tried to call up a smile to brush him off and get the entertainment I set out for in the tavern, But what came out of my silly mouth was, “Oh, of course.” I handed the reigns to the groom. I saw the old man smile under his moustache and bright eyes sparkle behind smoked glasses. “Good luck young lady, Excelsior!”